Developing Resources for Future Ministries - Endowments
Endowments and planned giving are tangible expressions of faith in the future of the Church. Webster defines endowment as "the act or process of furnishing with an income." If the church is to remain on the frontier, it must plan for future as well as present mission and ministry; but unless these plans include ways of funding this mission and ministry, they may be only empty dreams. The concept of endowment funding says to the church and to the community that the church is here to stay and that it is both planning for and funding the future.
The California-Nevada United Methodist Foundation helps churches create funding for future ministries with our Endowment Ministry services. Our work with church Endowments includes:
- Revitalizing existing endowments.
- Guiding churches through the process of developing a new endowment.
- Providing sample policies and forms for establishment of new endowments.
- Offering educational materials and seminars to promote endowments.
- Recognizing endowment donors through a Legacy Society.
Our Endowment Development and Planned Giving Ministries are offered at no charge to local churches.